How We Contribute Today

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We created this podcast to get our thoughts straight, help develop the content that goes into exhibits and really just learn and teach about the innovations that shape the digital world we live in today.

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We created this Instagram account to give visitors an insight into the books that shaped a generation of computer scientists, engineers, programmers, and well, um… nerds!


Our Collection

We’ll be posting our collection of Apple, Atari, Altair, IBM, and other computers and items in the collection soon. We are always looking for donations to the collection. We’re happy to work with volunteers to repair them and of course will take great care to make sure any data is removed safely.

The Plan

The best things begin with a plan. We’ve been collecting equipment, artistic elements, and researching for what seems like decades. And now we’re ready to put all of that into use to help educate Minnesota, and maybe do just a little bitty bit, to further innovation.

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We’ve been collecting computers from around the world and building materials to go into exhibits. Lucky for us, Pinterest provides a wealth of imagery on the history of computers, so follow our board to keep up on what areas of the the science that we’re exploring.


We are always looking for volunteers! Maybe you’re into repairing old computers. Or building exhibits. Or maybe you want to write code or docent or just… you know, give us a little positive reinforcement. We’d love all of it!